The best and easiest way to sell your mineral rights is with a partner that works with you, not against you. Overland Minerals & Royalties is that partner. We buy oil and gas mineral rights across the United States at top dollar because there are no middlemen or outside broker fees.
Why Sell Mineral Rights?
There are numerous reasons why people put their mineral rights up for sale. We have heard the saying “never sell your mineral rights” many times but we know that each person’s situation is unique, and we are here to assist you every step of the way. We have worked with many individuals, families, businesses, and trusts and have found the below are the most common reasons people have sold their oil and gas mineral rights.
Personal Reasons
If you are counting on your royalty money to cover tuition or education loans, cashing out in one large lump sum is the only way to ensure you’ll have it when you need it.
Health Care and/or Assisted Living
Healthcare and assisted living costs can wreak havoc on your finances. People often choose to sell their mineral rights to pay these expenses or qualify for financial aid.
Simplify Estate
A large amount of time and expense is required to probate minerals upon death. Moreover, distributing your minerals to numerous heirs dilutes their long-term value. A pizza can only be cut into so many pieces before a cash payout might be a better option.
Financial Reasons
We own interests in numerous wells in multiple states to diminish our risk. People who sell mineral rights often do so because they have all their eggs in one basket and wish to invest in other industries or ventures.
Invest in Business or Real Estate
Monthly checks received from your minerals rights may not be large enough to help you start a new business, invest in an existing one, or buy a real estate investment. A large lump sum may fulfill this need whereas the monthly cash flow does not create value for you.
Depleting Assets
Oil & gas wells are depleting assets. Production rates decline and there will never be as much in the reservoir tomorrow as there is today. Many people sell their minerals and royalties to invest in other assets before the oil dries.
The 6 Easy Steps of Selling Minerals with Overland
We have a long history of working with mineral owners just like you, and our step-by-step process couldn’t be simpler.
Contact us
Simply call us, email us, or fill out a contact form. We will discuss your interests and purchasing options, as well as answer any questions you may have.
Submit documentation for evaluation
Submit your royalty owner statements and any other supporting documentation for us to review.
Free evaluation of your mineral rights
There are many factors that go into the valuation of your mineral rights. We will use the information you provide and any public records to determine the value of your mineral interest today.
Receive and review
We will send you a purchase agreement and mineral deed to review and discuss any further questions you may have.
Accept the proposal and set a closing date
If you are happy with the offer, simply accept by signing and returning the purchase agreement. We will order the final title and schedule the closing date.
Sign and close
Finally, simply sign and notarize the mineral deed and mail the original back. Most closings are done by electronic bank transfer, but a check can be mailed if preferred.